『The Salaryman』を読みました。
著者は、アメリカ人のMichael Howard。日本で働きはじめた彼は、「東京のサラリーマン文化」に驚いたり、面白がったり…
The Salaryman
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The Salarymanの面白かったところ
Manager’s Inkan
Just to send a customer a product sample requires our product manager’s inkan (the traditional Japanese ink stamp used as a signature). If he’s on vacation, the customer has to wait until he comes back; the respect for the manager’s seniority trumps everything.
Napping in Public
On the train ride home, with my American instincts weakened, I dozed off in my seat with native Japanese form. Them I magically woke up the moment my train station was announced. And that’s moment I learned the art of the Tokyo nap.
Face covered with a Mask
My boss starts to bark at me about my trip schedule, but his face is covered with a mask and it muffles his voice. Not being able to see his lips move throws off my Japanese comprehension. In frustration, he gets in my face and shouts “hii ga chigau!” (“the days are wrong!”). But, what I think I hear is “hiya ke daro!” (“your face is sunburned!”):
「切」…that literally means “cut out”. And since the right symbol of this Japanese character literally means “sword”, and is meant to resemble the shape of a blade, it also has other several violent meanings. Realizing this chilled my spine.
The Salarymanをポッドキャストで
ポッドキャストで著者のMichael Howardのインタビューを聴くことができます。
Kindle Unlimitedなら無料で読めるので、ぜひ読んでみてください。
»『The Salaryman』 Kinlde本